Furry Military Brat

He’s my constant companion and always at my side. Our furry military brat dog. We made the decision that if we were to get a pet, it was going wherever we went. And go he has.

He’s my constant companion and always at my side. Our furry military brat dog. We made the decision that if we were to get a pet, it was going wherever we went. And go he has.

Orders overseas came and he was as much a part of the planning as the rest of our responsibilities.  Getting the dog squared away for the trip was quite a maze of shots and communications with our gaining assignment, both on and off base. I was surprised at how involved it was, but we didn’t question it.

Our flight plans were changed to accommodate heat temperatures just for him, and he had a quarantine on the other side. We visited him daily and we didn’t feel like a family until he was finally home with us.

He’s had more car and plane trips than some humans. He has his own PCS routine of sniffing and checking out nooks and crannies of a new house. It’s interesting watching him adjust to the new sounds of an air conditioning unit or the routine of the current garbage schedule or post man. Like a true brat, he adapts.

It’s not always easy having a pet when it comes to moving and housing. Costs are involved and we have to factor in his needs, but he gives our family so much love and doesn’t ask for more than our protection and loyalty in return.

Have your furry military brats adapted well to military life?