Base Clinic's No Additional Children Policy

Over the years, we've heard many, many stories from milspouses about the challenges of "solo parenting" while their spouse is away. One of which is having to tote kids everywhere you go, or simply being unable to go somewhere because you don't have childcare. We're getting email about a new policy being instituted at a base clinic which is causing "a bit of an uproar," according to one of our readers. From CN:

Our base clinic just [instituted] a new policy of "no children unless they are being seen by the doctor." Meaning if you have more than one child, you can't bring the other along you must find a sitter or be turned away from your appointment. I was wondering if this is the wave of the future and is happening elsewhere also. It is causing a bit of an uproar here.

I understand that a room full of children can be disruptive in a doctor's office, but I also understand that military spouses are often in the unique position of having their spouses away or deployed, and some find it difficult to find and/or pay for childcare. I don't have children so I've never paid attention to what the policy is at any clinic I've visited. What's the policy on your installation?

Over the years, we've heard many, many stories from milspouses about the challenges of "solo parenting" while their spouse is away. One of which is having to tote kids everywhere you go, or simply being unable to go somewhere because you don't have childcare. We're getting email about a new policy being instituted at a base clinic which is causing "a bit of an uproar," according to one of our readers. From CN:

Our base clinic just [instituted] a new policy of "no children unless they are being seen by the doctor." Meaning if you have more than one child, you can't bring the other along you must find a sitter or be turned away from your appointment. I was wondering if this is the wave of the future and is happening elsewhere also. It is causing a bit of an uproar here.

I understand that a room full of children can be disruptive in a doctor's office, but I also understand that military spouses are often in the unique position of having their spouses away or deployed, and some find it difficult to find and/or pay for childcare. I don't have children so I've never paid attention to what the policy is at any clinic I've visited. What's the policy on your installation?