The DVR is Full and Panic is Setting In

We're ramping up for our PCS move. Yay us! Last night, my husband clicked on the DVR menu so he could watch a baseball game he recorded. When the menu came up, I glanced at all the recordings we have yet to watch, and that's when it hit me. I'm going to lose episodes during the move because I have to turn in the equipment. Twenty-eight recordings with three added each week. We're moving in September, so that means that I'll rack up another 18 or so recordings before the move.

We're ramping up for our PCS move. Yay us! Last night, my husband clicked on the DVR menu so he could watch a baseball game he recorded. When the menu came up, I glanced at all the recordings we have yet to watch, and that's when it hit me. I'm going to lose episodes during the move because I have to turn in the equipment. Twenty-eight recordings with three added each week. We're moving in September, so that means that I'll rack up another 18 or so recordings before the move.

I never just plop down in front of the television and have a view-a-thon. Clearly, that's mistake number one. The shows I watch that my husband isn't interested in are only watched in bits and pieces when I eat breakfast and lunch. This means that it takes me a while to get through even one episode. The shows that the two of us enjoy together are generally watched on a Saturday evening when we actually have some time to sit down together and relax.

We're so far behind that we've only made it halfway through the last season of 24. Don't get me wrong, I love my shows as much as the fan who sits through all the commercials and watches them live. Apparently, I'm just horrible at time management and never find make the time to sit, relax and enjoy myself on the sofa.

Now I'm busy trying to figure out how I can carve more time out of my schedule to immerse myself in the recordings that continue to pile up on the DVR. While I don't watch them every day (or even every week), I do want to see them. To tell you the truth, it's not looking good. And I know I'll whine and moan about missing some episodes and not knowing what happened when I get new service hooked up on the other end.

And so help me, if I'm in transit when HGTV's new Design Star is crowned, it's gonna be bad. You'll definitely need to call the wambulance to come get me....