Meet Our Q3 Weekend Warrior Team

We had a great response to our call for Weekend Keyboard Warriors. In fact, the requests continue to come in and we haven't had the opportunity to look over all the entries, but we are working on it. So many fabulous milspouses! Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest. We will be in touch with other candidates in the next couple of weeks or so. If you are not selected, please don't take it personally, we simply have more volunteers than we can use.

We had a great response to our call for Weekend Keyboard Warriors. In fact, the requests continue to come in and we haven't had the opportunity to look over all the entries, but we are working on it. So many fabulous milspouses! Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest. We will be in touch with other candidates in the next couple of weeks or so. If you are not selected, please don't take it personally, we simply have more volunteers than we can use.

For now, we'd like to introduce you to the milspouses who will begin guest blogging here at SpouseBUZZ this weekend, and continue through September. In September, we'll introduce you to our Q4 team.

Heidi (whose personal blog can be found here):

Dependent: a person who depends on another. Doesn't sound so bad, huh? Call a grown woman a dependent and see where it gets ya. I realize we are now referred to as "family members" in military circles, but c'mon...some linguistic changes just don't take root. There is absolutely no professional writing experience in my past (it shows) but feel the need to jot my thoughts down anyway for therapeutic reasons and, as my husband says, to get stuff off my chest.  I have two boys, two dogs, one Air Force husband, thirteen years as a spouse, a lot to learn, and a whole lot to say!

Mollie has been a Navy Wife for just over two years, when she married the boy who was a blind date to her senior prom. Since then, they have moved four (going on five) times while her husband transitioned from ROTC to his training pipeline. She now knows that it is possible to fit over 700 pounds worth of stuff in a Nissan Versa, that it is important to know how to open the hood of your car before your drive your husband to work on base, and that finding a pen in the pocket of Summer Whites before they go into the washer earns you an ice cream date with the husband. She has yet to figure out what two-thirds of the three letter acronyms her husband speaks in mean, but she is debating making an app for that.

Mollie currently works as a part-time consultant writing reading passages for standardized tests, which isn’t quite as boring as it sounds. Between wrangling their dog Finn and keeping up with her husband’s ever changing schedule, Mollie enjoys writing, playing tourist in each new city they move to, and perpetually job hunting--ha. After this next move, she hopes to put her degree to use and finally land a job teaching writing courses.

Heather (whose personal blog can be found here):

Heather met and married her sailor in a whirlwind romance that has lasted 11 years (so far!) The military journey has taken them from enlistment to commission, through multiple deployments and now is taking them to the rain forests of South America. Learning how to adapt in every circumstance the Navy has thrown at them has certainly made for great stories and a good laugh along the way.

Heather is a former police detective with a speciality in high tech crime and is waiting until they settle down somewhere so she can fulfill her dream of going to law school. She and her husband were foster parents at their last duty station and are passionate about kids that need families. Heather used to boycott things on base, like the commissary (no flip flops, no patronage!), but will have to learn to truly rely on military resources when they move to embassy duty in Guyana. She blogs at Way Off Base about their remote OCONUS move and her other loves: her son, photography and crafts.

Seasoned Air Force Spouse (whose personal blog can be found here):
Partner in well traveled active duty Air Force family. I served and retired from the Air Force. Was born and raised in an Army family! Proud overseas brat. Married to a wonderful, successful southern man with 4 children, one of whom is active duty Army. And yes, I am too young for that! Not the typical family, not the traditional ‘mom’.  Love military life, social media, writing, business, pop culture, and travel. Born to do more!"

Welcome aboard, ladies. We look forward to getting to know you and reading your blog posts.