SBL Fifth Anniversary Party at Ft. Stewart

Registration for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Stewart is now open. The event will take place on October 29th and will be an event unlike any other. We'll be celebrating our Fifth Anniversary at Ft. Stewart and you can expect some fun twists and turns at this particular SpouseBUZZ LIVE. We'll be celebrating in grand style!

Registration for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Stewart is now open. The event will take place on October 29th and will be an event unlike any other. We'll be celebrating our Fifth Anniversary at Ft. Stewart and you can expect some fun twists and turns at this particular SpouseBUZZ LIVE. We'll be celebrating in grand style!

[eventbrite eventid=1794482345 type=register ]

Not sure what SpouseBUZZ LIVE is? Well, it's a day of sharing our unique experiences as military spouses. A day of bonding with others who "get it." The blog comes to life in a very interactive fashion. At SpouseBUZZ, we like to chat about the joys and challenges that come with being married to someone in the military. See herehere and here. And we like to laugh. A lot. See herehere and here. This is what SpouseBUZZ LIVE is all about.

The video below does a great job of capturing the spirit of SpouseBUZZ LIVE:


The first 300 attendees will get a complimentary tote bag full of freebies, including gift cards, and several lucky spouses will win some really fantastic raffle prizes donated by our generous sponsors. Please feel free to connect with us on Facebook (and right here on the blog) and let us get to know you before we arrive in Georgia.

Event Venue is Club Stewart (1020 Hero Road, Bldg. 405, Ft. Stewart, GA). SBL Ft. Stewart is from 8:30a - 2:00p)

We'd like to thank our presenting sponsor USAA for their continued support of SpouseBUZZ LIVE. And thanks to our Platinum sponsors, Allied Schools and Sears.

See you in October! We can't wait....