We Love Free Stuff: Museums!

It’s no secret that I am a complete geek. It’s also no secret that I love free stuff. Free museum admission for my whole family? A match made in heaven.

It’s no secret that I am a complete geek. It’s also no secret that I love free stuff. Free museum admission for my whole family? A match made in heaven.

Thanks to Blue Star Families and the National Endowment for the Art’s (NEA) Blue Star Museum program, military families can get in free to more than 1,300 museums across the country. This program, started last year, runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Since we’re the Geek Family and love museum, we took advantage of this last year as much as we could. Thanks to the program I know a ton about the logging background of Aberdeen, Wash.

If that doesn’t get you excited (though I do think you’re wrong -- I found it fascinating) there are a boat load of other museums on the list that just might. You can read more about the program here and you can go straight to the list of museums here.

Now get out there and learn something!