Meet Wife of a Sailor: A New Contributor

The SpouseBUZZ contributor pool continues to expand as we strive to bring a wide range of perspectives to military spouses. Today, we're thrilled to welcome our newest contributor, Wife of a Sailor. "Wifey" wears two hats as she's a milspouse and a Reserve Officer. A little more about Wifey:

Wife of a Sailor is small-town woman who fell in love with an enlisted Navy man while he was on shore duty in Michigan. She has been married to her active duty submariner for two years. So far they have survived recruiting duty (a feat in itself!) and nearly a full sea tour together.

The SpouseBUZZ contributor pool continues to expand as we strive to bring a wide range of perspectives to military spouses. Today, we're thrilled to welcome our newest contributor, Wife of a Sailor. "Wifey" wears two hats as she's a milspouse and a Reserve Officer. A little more about Wifey:

Wife of a Sailor is small-town woman who fell in love with an enlisted Navy man while he was on shore duty in Michigan. She has been married to her active duty submariner for two years. So far they have survived recruiting duty (a feat in itself!) and nearly a full sea tour together.

While pretty much homeported in the state of Washington, even though they don’t have PCSing fun, being part of the submarine community has its own unique set of challenges.

To add another twist to the equation, Wife of a Sailor has been a reserve Navy officer herself for two years.  Yes… that means her husband has to salute her. She not-so secretly loves that fact.

Wifey (as her husband likes to call her) and Huzzy are the head of the Wuzzy household … or at least they like to think they are. Their two dogs, a 90lb monster of a female Greyhound named Lulu and Skah, a fuzzy, white, deaf 130lb Great Pyrenees, think otherwise.

You can find Wife of a Sailor on her personal blog, where she also hosts the (surprisingly) popular MilSpouse Friday Fill-Ins.

Welcome aboard! We're so happy to have you join our team. We look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts!