The 40 Day Deployment Dare

When my husband is deployed, I constantly looked for ways to keep connected.

When my husband is deployed, I constantly looked for ways to keep connected.

Skype works wonders when you can stay connected. Phone calls made me smile when his schedule put him near a phone and the lines weren't too long. One of my fellow Guard wives posted a link on Facebook today that I thought might interest some of you looking to beef up the long-distance connection.

I have heard much buzz surrounding the "Fireproof Your Marriage" book and corresponding products. A supplemental book, The Love Dare, received buzz as well. Don't worry if you have not heard of either of these books because the link my friend provides appears to provide encapsulated activities for the entire activity set.

The introductory page explains how the 40 Days of the Deployment Dare proceed. Then, along the right side of the page, you will find 40 things that you can do to enhance your bond and keep your communication open even during deployment.

The 40 days are based upon the passages in 1 Corinthians that you may have heard at a wedding or six in your lifetime. "Love is Patient. Love is Kind." And on you go with the descriptors of a love that we'd all appreciate and like to have.

I thought the activities provided held meaning for any couple facing the separation of deployment--every little bit of communication now help ease those Reintegration bumps. Some of you may draw strength from the additional passages provided while others will stick to the bold portion of the post that highlights what your "dare" or activity is for the day. These activities could provide a jumping off point for you to be creative and deal with deployment communication in a more productive way.

I would love to hear about your experiences using the dares and how you may have enhanced them and how they worked for you. Post them below in comments and if we have some interest, we'll look for a follow-up post in 20 days.