Maybe A Wall of Name Tags?

You know, if I had been thinking, I would have started collecting them earlier.  The name tags, that is.  You see, I volunteer at the local Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.  The other day, the director mentioned that she had ordered me a personalized name tag.  I got to thinking about the name tags that are gathering in my jewelry tray.  There are only a few, but they are special to me.  When my husband was at school a few years ago, everyone had a name tag.  (That was very helpful.  I recommend it to all commands.)  Also that year, I got one for my volunteer work.  I treasure both of them.

You know, if I had been thinking, I would have started collecting them earlier.  The name tags, that is.  You see, I volunteer at the local Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.  The other day, the director mentioned that she had ordered me a personalized name tag.  I got to thinking about the name tags that are gathering in my jewelry tray.  There are only a few, but they are special to me.  When my husband was at school a few years ago, everyone had a name tag.  (That was very helpful.  I recommend it to all commands.)  Also that year, I got one for my volunteer work.  I treasure both of them.

Then I started thinking about old nametags that I have discarded.  Heck, I can remember some from as far back as high school, and definitely some in college.  I've had more than a few jobs that came with name tags, and volunteer stuff, and some for conferences.  I think I could probably make a little "love me" wall out of those name tags, if I had them all.  What a fun remembrance that would be!

What sort of things do you collect from place to place?