The Milspouse Learning Curve: From Green to Seasoned

Milspousedom, like anything else, is a learning process. Upon marrying a member of the military, many of us found ourselves thrust into this strange, foreign world of acronyms, customs, unconventional work schedules and walled compounds. If you're like me, the first lesson you learned was that an ID card is very, very valuable (although some of us have been known to abuse the privilege). We quickly learn that the ID card is our key to shopping, access, medical care and discounts. Unfortunately for me, the rest of the lessons didn't come this easily.

Milspousedom, like anything else, is a learning process. Upon marrying a member of the military, many of us found ourselves thrust into this strange, foreign world of acronyms, customs, unconventional work schedules and walled compounds. If you're like me, the first lesson you learned was that an ID card is very, very valuable (although some of us have been known to abuse the privilege). We quickly learn that the ID card is our key to shopping, access, medical care and discounts. Unfortunately for me, the rest of the lessons didn't come this easily.

When I first married my husband, I had no idea how the "real Army" worked because for the first nine months or so, my husband was attending schools. After we moved to our first "real" duty station, it wasn't long before my husband was out in the field honing his artillery skills. Silly me, I didn't realize that field exercises meant my husband would be spending nights away from home. I thought that perhaps my husband would train during the day, come home in the evening and we'd sit down to a lovely dinner and discuss how our respective days shook out.

After my husband's first field exercise, I was talking with a friend on the phone and I mentioned that my husband had been away for a couple of nights "practicing" but that he was now home. I hung the phone up, noticed my husband had a strange expression on his face and asked, "What is it?"

"Andi, we don't "practice," we "train."


I've come a long way, baby.....

Do you remember anything you said or did as a new milspouse which makes you laugh today?