Fit Club, Round Two

If you've been around SpouseBUZZ a while, you might remember that I did an awesome job of losing a bunch of weight while my husband was deployed, and then gained it all back when he returned. I've been whining and complaining for several months now, and it is time to stop talking and start acting.

If you've been around SpouseBUZZ a while, you might remember that I did an awesome job of losing a bunch of weight while my husband was deployed, and then gained it all back when he returned. I've been whining and complaining for several months now, and it is time to stop talking and start acting.

I am take a two part approach, and I encourage you to join me on either part, or both.

First, I have restarted logging my food and exercise at This is totally free and pretty darn easy. My user name is SheoftheSea, if you want to be befriend me. You can spy on my eating and my exercise, and we can send messages.

The other part is that I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred again. When we lived in the States, I got it through Comcast's On Demand service, but I bought the DVD when we moved overseas. It was less than $10 and I have to say, it works for me. Hardest 20 minute workout I've ever done, but it is only 20 minutes. I am aiming to finish at least 25 days during the month of October. I've done well so far, completing the workout yesterday and then again today. My muscles hurt! I will report back next week and I intend to be able to say that I've gotten in at least 6 workouts.

So, who is in? Together, we can do this.