And Nightfall Came

The daylight hours were filled with chaos, confusion and shock. In the span of a few hours, the Twin Towers had collapsed, the headquarters of the most powerful military in the world had been penetrated and a field in Pennsylvania held the graves of brave men and women who fought back. We were shaken to the core.

The daylight hours were filled with chaos, confusion and shock. In the span of a few hours, the Twin Towers had collapsed, the headquarters of the most powerful military in the world had been penetrated and a field in Pennsylvania held the graves of brave men and women who fought back. We were shaken to the core.

How could this have happened?

As the sun fell and daylight gave way to nightfall, the horror began to set in.We had lost so much. At the time, we didn't know how much. Only that it was a lot. More than we could possibly comprehend then.

What would tomorrow look like?

What would tomorrow bring?

Now we know. And may we never forget.
