This and That: Neat Stuff, News and Helpful Links

Meet the Most Powerful Moms in the Military.

Meet the Most Powerful Moms in the Military.

Important Mental Health News fromCOL Sophia Tillman-Ortiz, U.S. Army PDHRA Executive Officer:

For the last five years, the U.S. Army Post-Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) has offered post-deployed Soldiers and DA Civilians the opportunity to take a closer look at their health. Having led this program for the last two years, I have witnessed how the PDHRA has directly impacted lives.

We've all been told to brush off the ache in our knee or to not worry about another sleepless night, but science tells us that these could be symptoms versus just an isolated ailment. The only way to know is to talk it over with a health care provider. It is for this reason that I call our Soldiers' attention to this program, particularly if they are in the 90-180 day post-deployment window. It isn't a check in the box. Speaking with the health care provider is an opportunity to gain piece-of-mind that concerns are being addressed in a timely manner.

Therefore, I ask you or your loved one to take a stance and make sure that all redeployed Soldiers take the PDHRA. A few clicks and a conversation could be the opportunity that ensures a Soldier doesn't slip through the cracks. To learn more about the PDHRA please click here.

Are you adopting a child? Did you know you may be entitled to some financial relief?

A friend of a friend started Battle Saint. One dollar from the sale of each bracelet goes to The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.

Don't forget to sign up for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Mountain Home AFB or SpouseBUZZ LIVE Honolulu, Hawaii. Details here.