Milbloggies Milspouse Blogger of the Year

I never read Mrs. P's blog before being directed to it on 17Mar10.  But after that first gut wrenching read, I was compelled to scroll back through her archives.  There was love and excitement and a powerful embracing of the military lifestyle.  It was so hard to read all those words with her new reality hanging over each post. Yet there is such strength in this woman, something that she is still capturing so well in her recent posts.

I never read Mrs. P's blog before being directed to it on 17Mar10.  But after that first gut wrenching read, I was compelled to scroll back through her archives.  There was love and excitement and a powerful embracing of the military lifestyle.  It was so hard to read all those words with her new reality hanging over each post. Yet there is such strength in this woman, something that she is still capturing so well in her recent posts.

I was so very glad to see her blog receive the nominations and then win's 2010 Milbloggie Military Spouse Blogger of the Year.  And as we sat at the Milblog Conference last month, I honestly was shocked to hear that they had been able to get an email from Mrs. P accepting the award.  Mrs.G read the email and accepted the award on her behalf.

Thank you to You Served Military Blog and Podcast for capturing the moment and sharing it.

2010 Milbloggie Winner-Foreign Military Blogger and Spouse from You Served Radio & Blog on Vimeo.

I wish Mrs. P and her adorable little girl the very best.  I look forward to seeing her blog in my reader and hope she knows there are so many of us that wish we had the perfect words of support to offer, but falling short of that, we have a place in our heart for the grace and honor she continues to show.