In This Case, I Think the Bad Outweighs the Good....

Moving, under any circumstance, is no fun, but I've found there are elements of good and bad in a DITY move. Which, by the way, I do not recommend.... Packing and moving myself meant that I saw more of my stuff than I normally would see. And more than I ever wanted to. I'd like to say the good outweighed the bad, but the evidence is clear:

Moving, under any circumstance, is no fun, but I've found there are elements of good and bad in a DITY move. Which, by the way, I do not recommend.... Packing and moving myself meant that I saw more of my stuff than I normally would see. And more than I ever wanted to. I'd like to say the good outweighed the bad, but the evidence is clear:

Good - I found over $300 in gift cards we've never used. This will come in handy.

Bad - I found a wedding gift I never mailed to a military spouse.

Very Bad - I found the sweatshirt that airforcekid left in my hotel room months and months ago. Washed and put up in my husband's closet.

Horribly, Humiliatingly Bad - I found thank you notes I wrote after SpouseBUZZ LIVE Camp Pendleton that were addressed and never mailed.

Maybe I should mail the gift cards I've found to everyone I stiffed over the past few months.

Oye! I've been a bad, bad girl......