Beyond the Blog: Join SpouseBUZZ on Facebook and Twitter

SpouseBUZZ has recently branched out beyond the blog to connect with more folks in the military community and *meet* more military spouses. We wanted to invite you to friend and follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and we're looking forward to following and engaging with you in these mediums, too.

SpouseBUZZ has recently branched out beyond the blog to connect with more folks in the military community and *meet* more military spouses. We wanted to invite you to friend and follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and we're looking forward to following and engaging with you in these mediums, too.

Thanks to wifeunit for creating our wonderful Facebook page, which you can find here.And we're now on Twitter, too. Our Twitter page is brand new and can be found here.

I'm just beginning to get familiar with Twitter, so I'm definitely a newbie, but so far I'm enjoying it. I've read some interesting content from people I had never heard of before we established our Twitter account. There's some fantastic milspouse-oriented chatter out there. I like the fact that Twitter doesn't have to be a time-soaker. I can log on a few times a day for only a few minutes and quickly read about what's going on with other milspouses, and I can easily send a tweet if I wish. I've definitely become a fan!