Around the Spouse-O-Sphere

Wow, it's been a month since my last roundup! So much for "every other week" postings. As much as my life seems to get in the way of writing, I probably should've known to set the bar a little lower. ;)

Be sure to stop over at Laughs & Frustrations of a Proud Army Wife. I think she writes with an honesty that's easy to relate to and, seeing as how she's new to the blog world, I'm sure she'd appreciate the traffic.

Homefront 7 just received the news that she and her Soldier will be PCSing. It'll be her first PCS and she could use some moving tips.

Indie Army Wife shares her thoughts on the power of a hug and really hits it home.

And finally, a very
special blog to share with you all. "Mrs. P" has been blogging
since August 2009. She jumped into the blog world just a few short
months after taking the plunge into the milspouse world when she married the man of her dreams, her soul mate, a Marine.
She had a baby girl in January and then, on March 14, 2009, she was sucker
punched. Hard. It was so hard and so real, that it's difficult to wrap your
head around it. Somehow, she has found the strength to continue blogging
through it all. Which is something her readers (old and new) are thankful
for. Stop over at A Little Pink in a World of Camo and see just what I'm
talking about.