Fighting Murphy

We've all been there. The days when Murphy decides to poke his head around and suddenly it seems like everything that can, is and will be going wrong. He especially likes to make his presence known during a deployment or PCS, because hey it's not like we're not going through a tough time already,right? Of course, oncethat is over he still shows up randomly just to keep us on our toes.

We've all been there. The days when Murphy decides to poke his head around and suddenly it seems like everything that can, is and will be going wrong. He especially likes to make his presence known during a deployment or PCS, because hey it's not like we're not going through a tough time already,right? Of course, oncethat is over he still shows up randomly just to keep us on our toes.

Well Murphy, I've decided I'm not going to go down without a fight. The way I see it, the best way to fight him is to just focus on the positive thoughts and victories, bothbig and small. They can vary from receiving that special phone call out of the blue, a letter in the mail, or a friend being there at the right time.

My small victory? Little Man has finally decided to become one with the potty training urinal. Granted, he refuses to acknowledge the potty's existence during the day but as soon as the afternoon and night come, his huggie is always dry. And right now, that's one heck of a victory.

Take that Murphy! What is something good or happy that's happened to you today or recently?