"I Won't Have to See that Damn Commercial Again."

I was talking to a fellow Army wife this weekend. Both of our husbands are currently deployed. Her husband is on the tail end of his deployment and will be home in a couple of months. While we were talking, that Pajama Gram Valentine's Day commercial came on and she said, "Best thing about February 15? I won't have to see that damn commercial again." We had a good laugh. She also said, "And did you notice on the Teddy Bear commercial, they included a soldier bearthis year?"

I was talking to a fellow Army wife this weekend. Both of our husbands are currently deployed. Her husband is on the tail end of his deployment and will be home in a couple of months. While we were talking, that Pajama Gram Valentine's Day commercial came on and she said, "Best thing about February 15? I won't have to see that damn commercial again." We had a good laugh. She also said, "And did you notice on the Teddy Bear commercial, they included a soldier bearthis year?"

Valentine's Day has never really been that important of a day for me, but I got where she was coming from. She doesn't begrudge all the happy couples their celebration of love this year, but the commercial saturation just reminded her -- over and over again -- that her other half isn't around.

So, anyone else happy to wake up tomorrow morning and not see commercials featuring bears, hearts, candy, flowers, candles, lingerie and blissfully happy couples?

As for me, I'm always happy to see commercials featuring chocolate. I have my stash of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Dove Dark Chocolate in the refrigerator. And for all the benefits of having your partner home, and there are many, there are also benefits to not having them home. Like having the chocolate all to yourself.

Now, if you'll excuse me, the chocolate is calling....