Homefront Team

I already mentioned I liked Etsy, and I know I am not alone in this. But did you know that Etsy sellers have the ability to form teams? They do and there is one for milspouses. I think that is awesome!

I already mentioned I liked Etsy, and I know I am not alone in this. But did you know that Etsy sellers have the ability to form teams? They do and there is one for milspouses. I think that is awesome!

The Homefront Team is made up of milspouses stationed all over the world and selling all different kinds of homemade goods. Searching etsy with 'homefront team' will pull up all items tagged by milspouse sellers. Happy browsing!

As if that wasn't enough they also have a blog and a facebook fan page to keep up with.

If you have a shop or know someone that does, how about a link in the comments so we can browse your listings. With at least two feet of snow on the ground and another round due today, online shopping is kind of the only option at the moment!