We Are Amazing

Through each deployment, there are days of despair: nothing is going well, and you feel like you haven't accomplished anything, and it seems like deployment will never end.

Through each deployment, there are days of despair: nothing is going well, and you feel like you haven't accomplished anything, and it seems like deployment will never end.

Then there are the Blue Ribbon Days. The days where you accomplish something that was hard, or everything goes well, or you have the opportunity to sit in a clean house and read a book. (Ha!)

I've just finished two of those days. When I woke up yesterday morning, I had a messy house, a pile of unwrapped presents, and a 1000 mile drive ahead of me, with four squabbly children. Tonight, I'm safely at my in-laws with a car full of wrapped presents and back at home, things are relatively tidy. I can hardly believe it. Granted, there was a lot of yelling involved, but we did it. Chalk this one up as great big deployment success.

That is the upside of deployment - the opportunity to do stuff that seems impossible and occasionally succeed. I wasn't sure if I could do this trip without my husband, and I wouldn't have tried if I had any other options. But I didn't have other options, and now I've succeeded at doing something that I thought was too hard.

I know that lots of you have done things that seemed impossible but needed to be done. Today is celebration day - share your successes!