Oh Starry Night IV

It's windy. Loads of dust in the air. The air isn't crisp, it's down right cold. There are aircraft flying and at times the noise is so all-encompassing, that you can't think straight. And "we're supposed to sleep under these conditions?"

It's windy. Loads of dust in the air. The air isn't crisp, it's down right cold. There are aircraft flying and at times the noise is so all-encompassing, that you can't think straight. And "we're supposed to sleep under these conditions?"

It's Christmas Day. And the newbies, the FNGs in the theater, want everyone to have the day off. Besides, it's Christmas. We can't work on Christmas! Really? REALLY? So, incoming shouldn't be metwith return actions -- simply because it's Christmas? Grow up or go away ... besides, I really do have something else on my mind.

Yes, it is Christmas ...

... and sure, I DOwant to be home. I DO want to be warm. I DO want to be ... clean. But I want most of all, to know that THEY (definedas "those at home")know, that I'm safe and that I'm thinking of them. Oh, Starry Night ...

. . . . . .

How odd it is, that those in harms' way aren't thinking of themselves (as justified as that might be), but rather are thinking about those at home. Us. You know ... you and me. The ones who can walk barefoot to a flush toilet; that can wander to the frig for a piece of turkey; or can just flop on the couch and well, do nothing. They live moment to moment, very much in harms' way. And today more than any other, they want to make sure you and Iare ... safe. Under the load that they carry,I know that they are saying a quiet prayer, "May Peace be with and upon my family at home."

While we're here praying for them, they're o'er there, saying one for us. No where but America. For you whose loved ones are currently deployed in harms' way, it is on bended-knee that I say my prayers for them and for you. May you all be safe and continue to cradle each others happiness in your hands as though there was nothing more precious. (Oh Starry Night II)

Merry Christmas to you my SpouseBUZZ family -- O&O, MaintenanceToadOne