No Good Deed Goes Unfreakedoutabout

I take back what I just said about my husband: it seems he did indeed get me a Christmas gift this year. And he was so stealthy about it that I thought it was credit card fraud.

I take back what I just said about my husband: it seems he did indeed get me a Christmas gift this year. And he was so stealthy about it that I thought it was credit card fraud.

We had an Amazon purchase show up on our credit card today that I did not make. It wasn't listed on our Amazon account either. I was moments away from contacting the credit card and Amazon to report fraud when I thought I'd better ask my husband just in case he bought something.

Normally, the turnaround on something like that can be long: emailing downrange, waiting for the reply, and then taking action. But luckily I must've caught him right before he used a computer. He said that the purchase was his, and that he'd even opened a new Amazon account so I couldn't see his paper trail and figure out that he'd bought me something.

So my husband did get me a present this year! And nearly caused me to cancel our credit card too :)