Making the Funnies

I spend enough time online and know enough about communication to understand that many things, when written, do not end up being translated properly by the receiver. Usually, I am apt to point this out to the receiver (usually my deployed husband) and remind him to ask for clarification if my written words do not make sense.

I spend enough time online and know enough about communication to understand that many things, when written, do not end up being translated properly by the receiver. Usually, I am apt to point this out to the receiver (usually my deployed husband) and remind him to ask for clarification if my written words do not make sense.

Guess I should take my own advice?

The other night, I was IM'ing with my husband and telling him about some of the things I'd located online for potential Christmas gift ordering, etc. I also sent him a link to a piece of estate jewelryI'd seen on ebay that, if I weren't paying out of pocket for my children's dental catastrophes and a car repair bill, would have gone in the shopping cart!

He looked at the link and then replied, "I'd buy that for you for sure."

"Ah, thanks, sweetie." I said.

And that was that.

Last night, my husband unexpectedly logged onto IM and we were chatting about all kinds of things.

From nowhere he said, 'Did you buy that necklace yet?"

::blink, blink::

I quickly replied that no, I had not. The auction had ended without a winning bidder (there was a high reserve price on the auction) and the sellers had relisted the piece at a lower price.

He was a little confused as he thought he'd made it clear that I should buy it. I thought he'd made it clear that it was pretty and, if we were into buying a pretty piece of jewelry at this point in our lives, he would buy it for me.


Needless to say, I decided I can spare some rainy day funds should I win this auction and I bid on the necklace.

I always listen to my husband, after all. Even if I might miss what he's saying when he first says it.

This was funny to me that I missed this message. I was interested in hearing from you on any close calls, missed meanings or other funny things that happened via IM. Share them in comments!