Confessions of a Milspouse, #745

I am notoriously stingy. I'm the lady who's been known to use a 50% off coupon on a $1.99 item...or drive home without the $1.99 item if I've forgotten the coupon at home. My husband is stingy too, so we make a good couple. But there's one thing that I hate spending money on that almost makes me feel like a bad wife at times.

I am notoriously stingy. I'm the lady who's been known to use a 50% off coupon on a $1.99 item...or drive home without the $1.99 item if I've forgotten the coupon at home. My husband is stingy too, so we make a good couple. But there's one thing that I hate spending money on that almost makes me feel like a bad wife at times.

I don't mail my husband care packages while he's deployed. I don't think postage is a good use of our family's money.

My husband has never complained and always says that he can get anything he needs downrange, and if he can't get it there, he doesn't need it. But still, when I hear other military spouses talking about sending care packages, I do sometimes feel guilty.

Still, not guilty enough to spend money to mail him snacks and movies. He gets plenty of both.

I send letters. Postage for one package is the cost of sending him at least 20 letters. I'd rather invest in loving words...

Am I the only one who doesn't send care packages? (Probably.)