"Stop and watch the ants..."

Instead of the old saying, "Stop and smell the roses."

Instead of the old saying, "Stop and smell the roses."

Why ants? How does this relate to being part of the military world?

Back in the day, when I was in the Army, I kept myself awake on field exercises by watching the ants. They spend their days collecting food, building and re-building their homes, taking care of each other, etc. It's actually quite fascinating, to me, anyway, to watch them "do what they do."

Yesterday, about 30 minutes after I returned home from SpouseBuzz Live at Camp Pendleton (which was awesome, by the way!), I was on the phone with 9-1-1.

Our 14-year-old neighbor flipped his bike and suffered a compound fracture of his right wrist. Within seconds I was on the phone and many of the adults in the neighborhood were by his side. His parents weren't home, but we managed to get in touch with them.

For some reason this experience reminded me of watching the ants. The ants work together to survive, and the military families in our neighborhood all worked together to take care of this young man.

This is one of the things I like the most about living on a military installation - no matter what happens, you always have a support network. Military families are cool like that!

And here at SpouseBuzz, we also provide a support network - right at your fingertips. I can not tell you how grateful I am to be a part of SpouseBuzz. I've had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing military spouses - online and at our Live events.

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