Free is good...

I know it's short notice, but if you are going to be in the Palm Beach Gardens, FL, area Labor Day weekend, you might want to change your accommodations. Why? Because the PGA National Resort and Spa is offering 1-3 nights of FREE rooms to active military. In their words:

I know it's short notice, but if you are going to be in the Palm Beach Gardens, FL, area Labor Day weekend, you might want to change your accommodations. Why? Because the PGA National Resort and Spa is offering 1-3 nights of FREE rooms to active military. In their words:

"America's Military Is Our Guest Labor Day Weekend

PGA National Resort & Spa is paying tribute to those who make sacrifices every day protecting our country. Receive a complimentary stay* at our resort Friday through Sunday.
Offer available to any active member who presents their military I.D. Just ask for the Military Labor Day Special.

Once again, thank you for all that you do."

Click here for more info.