Anticipation ...

Three or four times a year, the SpouseBUZZ authors get a chance to actually "SEE" each other in the human form...versus in a two-dimensional digital appearance.We travel from all over, carrying our bags and our laptops and ... our thoughts.For three years now,theauhorshave supported each other, supported our collective spouses and been here in our own ways to support each of you, the wonderful folks who are the strongest of the strong -- the military spouse.

Three or four times a year, the SpouseBUZZ authors get a chance to actually "SEE" each other in the human form...versus in a two-dimensional digital appearance.We travel from all over, carrying our bags and our laptops and ... our thoughts.For three years now,theauhorshave supported each other, supported our collective spouses and been here in our own ways to support each of you, the wonderful folks who are the strongest of the strong -- the military spouse.

Today we converge into Southern California for an opportunity to meet, talk, learn, support and most importantly, BE SUPPORTED by Marine Spouses of Camp Pendleton. This.Is.Going.To.Be.Great!

You gotta know -- the anticipation of being among each of you is simply awe inspiring. SEE You Tomorrow!

O&O, MaintenanceToadOne