The Finest Moment of SpouseBUZZ LIVE Utah

We had such a great time this past weekend with the spouses from Hill AFB and the surrounding Utah area. Thanks to all of you who attended, we enjoyed meeting you, hearing your stories and spending some time with you. I'm sure several of us will post our thoughts in the coming days, so stay tuned, but for now, I wanted to share what, for me, was the finest moment of the entire day.

We had such a great time this past weekend with the spouses from Hill AFB and the surrounding Utah area. Thanks to all of you who attended, we enjoyed meeting you, hearing your stories and spending some time with you. I'm sure several of us will post our thoughts in the coming days, so stay tuned, but for now, I wanted to share what, for me, was the finest moment of the entire day.

During one of the breaks, airforcewife tipped me off to the fact that we had a very special guest at the event. It was a WWII-era spouse. During closing remarks, I said that I hoped this wouldn'tembarrassour guest, but I felt I had to recognize the spouse. I pointed her out and mentioned how honored we were to have her attend.

Within two seconds, the over 300 spouses in attendance, without prompting, were on their feet giving this wonderful woman a lengthy standing ovation. It's really hard to capture the emotion of the moment in mere words. Actually, it's impossible to do, I'll just say that it was heartwarming to see this generation of milspouses honor her in the same way that our spouses would honor a WWII vet if the situation were reversed.

Later, we found that we had not one, but two, WWII-era spouses in our midst! I can only imagine the stories these two ladies could share. I was so proud of the spouses for their spontaneous show of affection and appreciation for this woman. What a fine moment it was.....