That memo?

I have worked out of doors since I was small, I actually prefer it to working indoors.

I have worked out of doors since I was small, I actually prefer it to working indoors.

I am always learning by my own errors. So per my usual, I would hate ANYONE to learn the lesson the hard way.

So lesson #278

Wear long pants, and shoes or boots when doing lawn work. I do not care how hot it is, or if the chore seems small.

Last evening while weed whacking, (which I have done a million times) I thought flip flops would be a smart choice.

Think AGAIN. I about took off all of my left toes. STUPID, STUPID! I know you all are much smarter than me, and would never attempt such stupidity. I was lucky to walk away unscathed, but I did ruin a perfectly good pedicure, and frankly it hurt worse than child birth.

But just a simple reminder to those of you who may be new to lawn work, because of a deployment. BE SAFE out there!

And also wear eye protection.