Fit Club: 'Fessing Up

I admit it - I've been eating terribly lately, and exercise, while still more than a year ago, has been less than I'd like. I have plenty of excuses - I was in Utah last weekend for SpouseBUZZ Live, and I had some issues with my ears on the plane, resulting in icky antibiotics, then I went on an overnight field trip with one of my kids. Pretty much, my life has been the general chaos of a parent whose other half is deployed. The result: some poor eating and not enough good exercise.

I admit it - I've been eating terribly lately, and exercise, while still more than a year ago, has been less than I'd like. I have plenty of excuses - I was in Utah last weekend for SpouseBUZZ Live, and I had some issues with my ears on the plane, resulting in icky antibiotics, then I went on an overnight field trip with one of my kids. Pretty much, my life has been the general chaos of a parent whose other half is deployed. The result: some poor eating and not enough good exercise.

So, what's a gal or guy to do? There's only one sensible thing to do - start again tomorrow. That is one of the things I love about life: tomorrow is always a fresh start. The most important thing is that I don't let this little setback ruin all the hard work I've put in so far.