Appreciating the Little Things

I might be the only one, but even when my husband is home, I often feel like I'm in charge of everything. Paying the bills, buying the groceries, organizing our six thousand doctors and dentist appointments, getting the babysitters, buying the clothes, writing theChristmas cards (or not)- you know the list. However,during the last five months I've discovered quite a few things that are clearly"not my department." For example, we went camping over Memorial Day weekend, and I thought that we needed to buy a tent. One of my kids said, "Um, we have a tent. Two actually." I was completely surprised - I just have never paid any attention to camping stuff. I just show up. Ditto for grilling dinner at the pool. The first time I had to pack a cooler to have dinner at the pool, I realized that my husband has always done that. Pretty much all of it.

I might be the only one, but even when my husband is home, I often feel like I'm in charge of everything. Paying the bills, buying the groceries, organizing our six thousand doctors and dentist appointments, getting the babysitters, buying the clothes, writing theChristmas cards (or not)- you know the list. However,during the last five months I've discovered quite a few things that are clearly"not my department." For example, we went camping over Memorial Day weekend, and I thought that we needed to buy a tent. One of my kids said, "Um, we have a tent. Two actually." I was completely surprised - I just have never paid any attention to camping stuff. I just show up. Ditto for grilling dinner at the pool. The first time I had to pack a cooler to have dinner at the pool, I realized that my husband has always done that. Pretty much all of it.

Of course, I've forgotten some of my discoveries, but it has been enlightening. Lawn mower, Christmas lights, yard fertilizer, air in car tires: not my department. It has probably been good for me to realize how many things my husband does and I'm clearly not giving him enough credit for his contributions. So, to my husband: Thank you. (And since you are so good at these things, you are welcome to take over anything else you would like.)