A little bit of history

On Sunday we had an open house because we are desperately trying to sell our house before we PCS later this month. We had to be out of the house so a bunch of strangers could walk through our house and invade my personal space (yes, I have issues with this, but I know it must be done).

On Sunday we had an open house because we are desperately trying to sell our house before we PCS later this month. We had to be out of the house so a bunch of strangers could walk through our house and invade my personal space (yes, I have issues with this, but I know it must be done).

We decided to drive 3 hours away to take our kids to Antietam National Battlefield. There are two pieces of history that have become important in our home regarding Antietam.

My husband and I went to Antietam when we were in ROTC in college. After we married I bought DH a Don Stivers print of the Battle at Burnsides Bridge. This print currently hangs in our dining room. About a year ago the kids started asking us about the print and what it means/represents. My husband is a history buff so I deferred the explanation to him. We told the kids we had once been to Antietam and actually stood on that bridge. They thought this was way cool, of course, and have been begging to go see "the bridge" ever since.

So we finally took them. I don't think it was as "cool" as they thought it would be, but they did thank us for (finally) taking them. So now they can say they have stood on/walked across Burnside's Bridge where one of the bloodiest battles ever fought took place. PLUS, their mom and and dad once walked across that bridge long before they were twinkles in our eyes.

For me, it was pretty neat.