A Cautionary Tale for Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Last year for Military Spouse Appreciation Day, I attended a very special event in DC. Most of the Spousebuzz authors were there as well. If I remember correctly, there were over 1500 military spouses in attendance.

Last year for Military Spouse Appreciation Day, I attended a very special event in DC. Most of the Spousebuzz authors were there as well. If I remember correctly, there were over 1500 military spouses in attendance.

Not only were there military spouses there but dignitaries. Lots and lots of dignitaries. With these folks in attendance, I was given a huge opportunity for social embarrassment. How could I refuse?

Secretary Gates was there and everyone had their pictures taken with him. There were Army generals and Navy admirals milling about and mingling with us. And then I saw a Marine Corps FOUR STAR general. Now, in my mind, if Dr. Gates is there, surely this Marine Corps FOUR STAR general MUST be the Commandant, right?

I went right over to him with the other SB authors right behind me. I was thinking that it would be so cool to get our picture taken with him. I stick my hand out and say,"Hi sir!! Aren't you General Conway?"

He stepped back as if I'd insulted his mother. He ignored my outstretched hand and yelled,"CARTWRIGHT!!!"

Oh.My.God. Did I really just do that and...in front of my friends? With a beet red face and the sounds of laughter coming from my friends, I did an immediate about face and RAN back to our table. If you are going to commit such a heinous faux pas, I strongly urge you NOT to do it in front of your friends. They will never let you forget it. I can't count how many times in the past year that someone hasfelt the needto yell,'CARTWRIGHT" at me. Seriously.

And should you commit such a faux pas, do not under any circumstances, call your husband and start off the conversation with,"Honey, you really didn't want to get promoted again, did you?" It isn't good for his blood pressure.

The old adage is very true. Do not assume.