Fit Club, only one day late

Welcome, Fit Clubbers! I know Vicky, kannie & dolphingrl are in with me - what about the rest of you?

Welcome, Fit Clubbers! I know Vicky, kannie & dolphingrl are in with me - what about the rest of you?

This week has been insane and my exercise & diet have surely shown that. We've had several doctor's appointments, some Ombudsman issues, a situation with my kids' school, AND I got into a fight with my mother. I thought the week was summarized pretty well on Wednesday, while I was doing a fitness DVD on my laptop and watching the TV trying to catch's Vince Patton on CNN. About 20 minutes into my workout, my oldest daughter said, "Mom, I've downloaded something and now the computer won't work." That was the end of that particular workout! I tell you, I think it is a miracle that parents ever get any exercise at all.

I've been trying to figure out ways to make a exercise a family activity but it is really hard for me. We do try to take family walks. The girls are a lot slower than I want to walk, so it is better if they scooter while I walk. My oldest has injured her shoulder so walking is painful for her - thank goodness she is old enough to stay home alone for short periods of time. Otherwise, I'd be walking laps around my court. (Don't laugh, I've done it before!)

Bike riding would be a good option. Let's see, all I have to do is get everyone's bike in good working order, and probably buy a new bike for at least one child who has outgrown her old one, and track down the right size helmets for my rapidly growing brood.Let me put that on my to-do list for this week.

I looked into having us all take ice skating lessons. Unfortunately, what is affordable for one person isn't so affordable for five people. Ditto for martial arts. I enjoy the fitness videos but my kids get bored, plus our living room isn't big enough for five people to be dancing around without someone getting hurt.

I'm on a quest to find some inexpensive, fun ways for our family to get some exercise together. As my week has demonstrated, I'm not likely to succeed if I can't get the whole family involved. I would love to hear your ideas!