Burning down the house

I have never gotten around to writing the follow up to our "second honeymoon", and it was fairly uneventful, well except for the part where I put out a fire with my bare hands.

I have never gotten around to writing the follow up to our "second honeymoon", and it was fairly uneventful, well except for the part where I put out a fire with my bare hands.

I will tell you, DH and I had some errors in judgment re: the trip. This is nothing new, as we are known to fill any sort of trip minute by minute with activity. The funny thing is, since we had not been alone for 7 years, and we both needed some down time, we really talked about using this as time to catch up with one another and talked about rest.

Ha, we did not. In fact the first day of the vacation we were up for 22 hours. This was the first error in judgment, as we are no longer 20- something. Heck DH is no longer 30-something. Sleep deprivation at our age ='s sleepy people. Lesson learned.

The other item I was concerned about, was my profound ability to embarrass myself or DH at the drop of a hat. It happens. I have tripped and fell in the lobby at the Colorado Springs Nutcracker while 7 months pregnant, I have walked out of bathrooms with toilet paper on my shoe. Part of the reason, I love Spousebuzz, is that we have all had these embarrassing moments, and share them. No one is alone...

The bad thing about those embarrassing moments, is that I can take them in stride, DH loathes them. I am surprised our marriage has lasted as long as it has, because DH hates those moments so much.

However, for the first moment in 18 years, it was AWTM, that saved the day.

Since we are not active duty, formal occasions are rare for us. It always seems that, at every formal occasion I go to, someone grabs the wrong napkin, or silver, or glass. Which means someone is without something, and then everyone has to figure out where the dining implements are. So I have learned to just sit and wait. It is rather entertaining, to watch people play musical forks.

So we were sitting at a lovely table, low votive candles in the center of the table, and my husband took his napkin out of his lap, placed it on the table, stood to shake hands with one of the gentlemen's wives. I noted smoke rising from the center of the table, and see HIS napkin is ON the candle, and on FIRE.

I gently grabbed the burning napkin with my bare hand, put out the fire and all without anyone even noticing.

However, the thing about being graceful...no one noticed. Not even DH, until I pointed it the melted section of his napkin.

I kept calling myself Chuck Norris all night. It was a lot of fun to save the day, and not be on the receiving end an extended hand pulling me up off of the floor.

*please do not try putting out a fire with a bare hand, this is not recommended, or safe, and frankly I have no idea how I managed it without an injury.