A Fresh Perspective and a Brand New Series at SpouseBUZZ: In Transition

We have a lot of "significant others" who read SpouseBUZZ. Take a look at this entry, and this one, too. Most recently, we received an email from someone who wanted to know what military life was like.

We have a lot of "significant others" who read SpouseBUZZ. Take a look at this entry, and this one, too. Most recently, we received an email from someone who wanted to know what military life was like.

Last week, I linked to a blogger who is just beginning her journey as a Marine wife. We were curious. What would the transition be like for her? When I married a soldier, there was no such thing as a blog, so I went in wet, not knowing a single thing about military life. Today, there are many resources which can help prepare someone for military life. But does it really prepare one for the reality? Does it help? What perceptions become reality and what myths turn out to be just that - myths? Is it what you thought it would be, or is it more or less than you thought it would be? We're going to get answers to those questions and many, many more as we follow one freshly-wedded Marine wife on her journey into milspousedom.

We're pleased to announce a brand new series here at SpouseBUZZ. It's aptly titled "In Transition," and our newlywed, Loquita, will be the author of this series. Loquita will write about the transition from girlfriend to wife. This will be a fascinating first-hand account of life as a new Marine Wife. We're looking forward to reading about the peaks, the valleys and everything in between through Loquita's eyes.

Loquita is very busy right now as she's merging households, so she'll be writing when time permits.

Loquita - Welcome to SpouseBUZZ!