The End of an Era

I ran out of my usual winter lotion a week ago, and managed to make it to Bath and Body Works on Sunday to grab a few more bottles of their signature Peach.

I ran out of my usual winter lotion a week ago, and managed to make it to Bath and Body Works on Sunday to grab a few more bottles of their signature Peach.

When I walked into the store, I received a huge shock.

They have discontinued my lotion.

Hey, I understand it's just lotion. It's not like they are discontinuing the one medication keeping me alive or anything. In the grand scheme of things, it's just lotion.

I know this.


But I have used this lotion for so many years I can't remember when I started. I've used the lotion, the body spray, the perfume. All peach. Have I mentioned that I love the smell of peach? I love it.

And worst of all - Air Force Guy loves it.

Whenever AFG smells peaches, he thinks of me. At least, that's what he tells me. Smell is very important when you're separated from a loved one for extended and frequent periods of time. I would spend nights sniffing AFG's rank t-shirts while he was deployed (he would send them back to me just for that purpose). And I would always be sure to spritz some of my peach spray on his letters. Or to soak a pillow case in it. Or to lotion up REALLY WELL and sleep with a particular pillow for a few nights before putting it in his CARE package.

And now Bath and Body Works is discontinuing my lotion.

I'm seriously depressed over this. What on Earth am I going to smell like when AFG deploys this summer? I'm sorry, but the mango/peach mix I can get through Bodycology just does NOT pass the test.

The distinct lack of options for people who really dig the smell of peach does make me understand why discontinuing peach was perhaps a good business decision for Bath and Body Works. I mean, I've never actually sniffed another peachy person when we were out and about.

But I'm still very saddened about the ending of my peach era.

I've heard that AvoJuice has a peach lotion that is of good quality and smells like actual peach - Maybe I'll need to find someone around here that sells AvoJuice. I don't shop at The Body Shop, so that option is out. Or, I could just go with my regular back up lotion and scent - Tahiti Sweetie from Bath and Body Works.

Tahiti Sweetie is really good stuff. And it reminds me of growing up on Catalina Island. So it's an option.

But I'm still depressed about the whole thing.