Now I'm Scared

It takes a lot to scare me. I mean, I go through life like anyone else. Like most military spouses, I just don't have the time to let my emotions do what they've been urging me to do. There's just too much to do.

It takes a lot to scare me. I mean, I go through life like anyone else. Like most military spouses, I just don't have the time to let my emotions do what they've been urging me to do. There's just too much to do.

But this morning I woke up, and I still can't shake the odd feeling that something is just not right.

It all started with my kids...

I think I have a generally good set of kids. I mean, they have their moments and they certainly aren't perfect, but even though my son knocked over the fountain in the hotel lobby at SpouseBUZZ Live Norfolk and in an earlier episode peed on the base commander's lawn, they were just momentary blips on the radar, right?

This morning I woke up a bit late. We recently got a sweet new dog (named Mamie, because our other dog is Ike) and she is not fully housebroken yet. Mamie still needs to go potty about about 3 am and it's starting to wear on me. This morning I decided to catch up a bit in bed.

When I did come downstairs, my son was already eating his breakfast.

"Who made that for you?" I asked. My daughters were all upstairs getting dressed.

"I followed the directions myself," he said.

Then I wandered into the living room to let the dog out (again). There was a math book on the couch and an entire page had been done and a second one started.

The kid started his schoolwork on his own. And he did it right, too. Fractions even.

Daughter #3 showed up in the kitchen with her hair and teeth already brushed (!). Daughter #2 fed the animals as I watched.

Do you remember that movie The Village of the Damned? It worries me. If I get a call from my Mother in Law in which she offers to behave and apologizes for her general rudeness today I'll just full out expect the coming of the Apocalypse.