New Family Retreats from NMFA

You may have heard about the National Military Family Association (NMFA) Operation Purple Camps. This year, they are trying a new program: Operation Purple Family Retreats. From the website:

You may have heard about the National Military Family Association (NMFA) Operation Purple Camps. This year, they are trying a new program: Operation Purple Family Retreats. From the website:

It is difficult on the entire family when a loved one is deployed, but
the time after that father, mother, husband, or wife returns home is
often the most challenging of all. Recognizing this, the National
Military Family Association is piloting two Operation Purple®
Family Retreats. These free, four-day retreats are set in a National
Park using nature's classroom, where families will have opportunities
to strengthen and renew relationships, explore their natural
surroundings, and participate in fun family-focused activities.

The camps are designed for families who have had a service member return from deployment within the last twelve months. The camps are being held in March in two locations, California and Washington state, and they are free! If you live near either of the locations, and you have a recently returned family member, you might want to check it out. It sounds like a great way to have some affordable family time.