For Better or Worse, In Sickness and in Health and No Matter What Uncle Sam Does

I love to hear stories about how milspouses met their husbands and wives. The military is so culturally diverse. It's one of the things that makes the military experience so rich. One reason for the diversity is that service members often meet their mates in areas where they were stationed, but not where they grew up.

I love to hear stories about how milspouses met their husbands and wives. The military is so culturally diverse. It's one of the things that makes the military experience so rich. One reason for the diversity is that service members often meet their mates in areas where they were stationed, but not where they grew up.

I've heard some great proposal stories. One of the soldiers in my husband's old unit proposed to his wife in the gym where everyone was gathered after the guys returned from NTC training. Another soldier and his girlfriend snuck onto the towers at a not-to-be named post. With a full moon as the backdrop, he repelled the engagement ring and proposal letter down to her. But, I have to say, and trust me here, this takes the cake. Love it!

I've heard some great wedding stories, too. Planning a military wedding means crossing your fingers and hoping
Uncle Sam doesn't decide to get involved. But he often does, doesn't he?

One milspouse told me that she was in the middle of planning a big wedding, invitations had gone out and the wedding was just around the corner when her husband-to-be was mobilized. Four months early. They went down to city hall to tie the knot and had their big wedding a year later. She said she cried and cried when she got the news (so did her dad over the lost money), but that now it makes for a great story. I think she's right. Get a group of milspouses together and ask them about their engagements and weddings. Almost everyone seems to have a unique and interesting story. I'm also struck by the amount of milspouses who chose to have small weddings. I'm in that category, too, but all of my civilian friends opted for the big wedding.

And then there's the matter of the honeymoon. ArmyWifeToddlerMom wrote a post not too long ago about delayed honeymoons. I didn't have a honeymoon for three years. We were married on a Saturday, my husband was back to work on Monday and it would be three years before we headed to Mexico for our "honeymoon," which was really an overdue vacation, though I insisted on calling it our honeymoon. Oh, and thank you RedLegMeg for dog-sitting during our "honeymoon"....

Tell us how you met your spouse. Big wedding or small? Honeymoon or delayed honeymoon?


A reminder: Ladies, don't forget to take the 2009 SpouseBUZZ Challenge. Click here for more info. Great prizes await the winner. Plus, if you're interested in appearing on the Emeril Lagasse show, click here for details.