Hampton Roads, Here We Come....

We had a blast at Hampton Roads last year. Area milspouses were robbed because Hurricane Hannah decided to visit the same day of our LIVE event.Even withthe high winds and torrential rain,80 out of 700 registrants decided to show up. Some driving as much as 200 miles to attend. Now that's dedication.

We had a blast at Hampton Roads last year. Area milspouses were robbed because Hurricane Hannah decided to visit the same day of our LIVE event.Even withthe high winds and torrential rain,80 out of 700 registrants decided to show up. Some driving as much as 200 miles to attend. Now that's dedication.

On April 4, 2009, we're making Hampton Roads our first stop on the 2009 SpouseBUZZ LIVE tour. We're hoping for better weather this time.... Mark your calendars, more information will follow in the next couple of weeks.