Recycling, Military Style

I loved this comment left by Angelsanlee:

I loved this comment left by Angelsanlee:

I spent alot of time trying to figure out how to use all the stuff our husbands do not need anymore because of the uniform change.

Black shoe polish- makes a great eye liner/mascara..the kids love painting with it too.

20 cans of starch- hairspray and bug killer

ugly black socks- great for cleaning-use them like a cleaning mitt

old grey P.T.'s- NEVER THROW THOSE AWAY!!! They are the most comfortable things in the world to wear. I do not even care that mine have holes in the arm pitt's. They breathe better that way.

ear plug case- Wonderful way to send your kids to school with lunch money....civilian kids DO NOT KNOW HOW TO OPEN THEM!!

brownmilitary undies- yeah....just throw those away, unless you need a pigtail template for your daughter's hair-do

Hercomment reminded me of this post. Military spouses are a creative bunch. If you've foundsome interesting ways to re-purpose military gear and clothing, please share them with us.