Tied to Technology

Several things have happened this week that make me realize how dependent I am on modern technology.  Between the computer, the cell phone, and even the cordless phone, I've gotten used to being able to work pretty efficiently.  Can't find the recipe for my favorite Salsa Chicken?  Google it.  Want to call my mother from Target?  Cell phone.  Want to put a telephone where there is no plug?  Snazzy newfangled multi-phone system that requires only one phone jack for the whole shebang.

Several things have happened this week that make me realize how dependent I am on modern technology.  Between the computer, the cell phone, and even the cordless phone, I've gotten used to being able to work pretty efficiently.  Can't find the recipe for my favorite Salsa Chicken?  Google it.  Want to call my mother from Target?  Cell phone.  Want to put a telephone where there is no plug?  Snazzy newfangled multi-phone system that requires only one phone jack for the whole shebang.

Now, I know that there are many of you who are using this new
technology even more than I am.  I don't have an iPhone (though I'm
tempted), I haven't yet ventured into the land of IMs (though that is
coming very soon), and I've only just figured out this Facebook thing
(though I wonder why I waited so long.)  The technology that I have
adapted makes me life so much easier, and allows me to declutter my
house at the same time.  I've gotten rid of most of my cookbooks, asked
companies to send me electronic statements instead of adding more paper
to my house, and I don't even keep telephone books anymore.

I'm pretty sure that there is a downside to all this technology
though.  Last week, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting any
phone calls.  Seems that I'd knocked the one important power plug for
the fancy phones out of the wall when I was cleaning.  I regularly
forget to charge my cell phone, and then I can't call my sisters
because I don't actually know their phone numbers.  Yesterday, I was
having some serious internet issues.  I couldn't work, I couldn't pay
bills, and I sure couldn't make Salsa Chicken.  For a brief moment, I
missed the days of regular mail, cookbooks and going to an office where
I worked with people and paper instead of electrons and email.  I gave
up on accomplishing anything, took advantage of my husband's presence,
and went out to lunch. 

Thankfully, I figured out the phone problem, my mother actually
knows my sisters' phone numbers, and the internet seemed to have fixed
itself in my absence.  Life has returned to normal, 2008.