Thank You Sea-Tac MilSpouses!

We had such a blast at SpouseBUZZ LIVE Tacoma! The area milspouses were so warm and gracious, and we felt right at home. We wanted to thank all of you for coming out and sharing an incredible day with the SpouseBUZZ team. What a fantastic event!

We had such a blast at SpouseBUZZ LIVE Tacoma! The area milspouses were so warm and gracious, and we felt right at home. We wanted to thank all of you for coming out and sharing an incredible day with the SpouseBUZZ team. What a fantastic event!

As Guard Wife mentioned in her live-blogging post, Sinbad stopped by to deliver a brief and funny tribute to the milspouses in attendance. I have video of Sinbad's entire routine, which I'll post early next week. Meanwhile, here's a little photo (click to enlarge):


One again, thanks to all of you who turned out on Saturday. The house was packed and we had a great time. The resource links that I promised all of you will be posted here tomorrow, so be sure to check back.