Military brats and their roots

Military brats have a tough life.  They have to move every two or three years.  They have to make new friends every time they do.  They have to re-make their tribe every time just as we spouses do.

Military brats have a tough life.  They have to move every two or three years.  They have to make new friends every time they do.  They have to re-make their tribe every time just as we spouses do.

Their roots are as complicated as we spouses find them to be.  Perhaps it is even harder for them as they are much younger and in a different environment.

Their roots are with the family who moves with them and the family who doesn't but follows them with their heart.  Friends who would follow milestones since meeting them in preschool and growing up with them after that don't exist.

It is up to family members to make up that difference.  One hopes that they do.  If they don't, one wonders why not?

How hard is this to understand?  It's not rocket science.  Military brats need their extended roots too. 

Maybe even more than we spouses do.