I heart my Mother In Law. Am I lucky?

I wonder if Mother In Laws have a bad rap everywhere, or if it is particular to the United States?

I wonder if Mother In Laws have a bad rap everywhere, or if it is particular to the United States?

I have heard the stories about Mother In Laws, and have read them. I am going to  maintain I got a gem. 

I also count this as good fortune, because I lost my own Mother several years ago.  So I use my MIL as a resource for parenting information, information on DH as a child etc, what is delicious out of a crock pot, what in the heck is going on with her Son. 

I do think the relationship with in-laws when in the military can be an arduous one for some people, after all, there are times, when we as spouses appear to be the "key holders" to information. The confusion happens when they actually think we know what in the heck is going on, when we do not. On SpouseBuzz Talk radio this issue was actually discussed. Take a listen, the Moms offer good perspective. There also seems to be a tug of war that can happen when a soldier returns from deployment. I do want to hear, what is your relationship like with your Mother In Law, and do you think you can improve it?