The View From Below

At SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Antonio, we had a discussion about civilian misconceptions of military life. It was really very entertaining. My adult family and friends have a better understanding of military life since I became a milspouse, but apparently their understanding hasn't trickled down to the next generation.

At SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Antonio, we had a discussion about civilian misconceptions of military life. It was really very entertaining. My adult family and friends have a better understanding of military life since I became a milspouse, but apparently their understanding hasn't trickled down to the next generation.

A few weeks ago, my nephew and niece were visiting. My nephew, who is nine, looked at me and asked if my husband makes me do push-ups. "Does he say, drop and give me twenty, Aunt Andi?" Funny how the little ones tend to equate all military men with Drill Sergeants, isn't it?   

I laughed and said, "Well no, of course not, I make him do push-ups."

I think my nephew is duly confused now....