Note to Self: Be careful when nagging DH

Okay, so I have a hundred things to write about (for once) and this is where I will start.  Yesterday I asked DH to vacuum the living room.  Which he did..... almost.  We have a rug that covers most of the living room floor, but leaves about 2 ft. of hardwood floor along three sides.  So he vacuumed the rug - only! 

Okay, so I have a hundred things to write about (for once) and this is where I will start.  Yesterday I asked DH to vacuum the living room.  Which he did..... almost.  We have a rug that covers most of the living room floor, but leaves about 2 ft. of hardwood floor along three sides.  So he vacuumed the rug - only! 

I was a bit upset because he has watched me vacuum the living room at least a million times and I always vacuum over the hardwood floor parts.  We have a dog and two cats.  And the hardwood floors often look like a street in an old western movie with the giant hairballs floating around.  Seriously, can he NOT see the hairballs?!?!?!

I kindly asked him (okay, maybe I nagged a little) to vacuum the the parts of the floor that he seemed to have accidentally forgotten the first time.  And he did.  Thank you, Honey.

And then... some little spark of motivation lit a huge fire under his butt......

DH:  Hey.  What do you think about re-upholstering the dining room chairs?
Me:  I mentioned that a year ago and you said, "No!  We have to let a professional do that!"
DH:  Well, it can't be that hard.

Then DH proceeds to rip off the cover and cushion on one of the chairs.  Next thing I know I am in high gear to get myself out the door to JoAnn Fabrics to buy cushions and material.  And my son has to be at his football game in 90 minutes!  I have never done this before so I have no clue where to start.  By the time I am done buying the materials and "other tools" we need to do this project DH has already taken the kids to the football game and I am still in high gear trying to get to the game before it starts (I made it with 10 minutes to spare!).

So on this beautiful Sunday morning I was biting my tongue and helping DH re-upholster the chairs.  Meanwhile, the kids were staring at us like we were at the circus and asking a million questions. (The kids ended up going outside to play.)

I have to say that DH and I did a pretty darn good job on the chairs.  And may I also say that my husband STILL needs to work on his timing!!!  AND..... I will still nag him when necessary:)