Do you have pets?

Many of us proudly showed off our milpets back in the spring.  How cute they are - indeed!!

Many of us proudly showed off our milpets back in the spring.  How cute they are - indeed!!

For those of you that are new to SB, I would like to give you the opportunity to showcase your special non-human friend(s).

If you sent in photos for the previous milpets posting and would like to share some new photos or showcase a new pet - please send in your photos. 

Come one, come all - let's show off our pets!

Most of you know that I really love my pets - large and small, so..........

Do you have pets?  Large, small, domestic, exotic?

Wanna have some fun and put Milpets in the spotlight?

If so......

Email in your photos. 

Be sure to include your name (or call sign), your pet(s) name(s), age(s) and a blog link if you have one.  If you wish, you can also include your location.

I just can't wait to receive the photos and get working on another Milpet posting!